Here is my attempt at sewing a canvas slipcover...
Our little apartment is a bit dark. The carpet is chocolate brown, as well as our leather sofa and loveseat. The chair is olive green (which I like), but I thought if I covered it in a cream color it might help brighten the room. This is what the chair looks like...
I figured that sewing this slipcover would be fairly easy because the chair is somewhat "blocky". Well, it wasn't as easy as I thought and the idea I had in my mind does not quite look like my finished project, but I can live with the results.
I basically starting draping the fabric on the chair, cutting, pinning and then sewing.
And, not following any of the "how to sew a slipcover" rules! I have a few "pinches" and "tucks" of fabric here and there but doesn't that add to the charm?? I wanted the slipcover to have a bit of a tailored look, so I added piping to the seat cushion...just the top though.
And, a little secret...I didn't cover the entire seat cushion. I left the bottom open - easy to remove and wash!! (okay...I was lazy)
I left enough fabric so that the cushion cover will remain "snug".
Once finished I noticed that the fabric on the back of the chair just didn't look finished.
So, I made a couple of ties and attached them to the back. By adding the ties, it helps pulls all the "drapey" fabric together.
It is certainly not perfect, but it will work for now.
Thank you for stopping by...hope you have a great weekend!