I stained it the table using Minwax Dark Walnut stain and let it dry overnight.
I then applied minwax paste wax to the areas I didn't want the paint to adhere too. I applied a blue/grey paint to the surface and let it dry. Then I used a metal scraper to remove most of the paint. I repeated that step applying a cream coloured paint. Again, I removed the paint with a scraper but I also used a heat gun to make the paint bubble and peel. This is what it looked like when I finished...
I thought I liked it until I put it in the den. Too dark! So I applied another coat of cream coloured paint to the entire table to try and lighten it. Once dry I used my palm sander to remove the paint. The second coat of cream paint helped to lighten the table and blend the colors. I like it much better! I think it looks old and weathered, but I'll let you be the judge!
Here it is in my den...
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